Swiss Friends of Oxford University (SFOU) aims to promote relations between Switzerland and the University of Oxford with its associated colleges. To this end SFOU has established a scholarship fund to support Swiss-resident students studying at Oxford University. The fund is financed by 50% of all membership subscriptions, as well as by individual donations given to the Association for this purpose.
SFOU offers a limited number of grants of CHF 250 – CHF 500* to eligible students. These grants are made to support travel directly connected with a student’s studies or of general educational and self-developmental value, or to support students undertaking research projects during the vacations, conference attendance costs, materials, fieldwork funding and the like.
Grants will only be made to cover expenses incurred in a particular academic year, up to and including the 1st October. Applicants do not have to be members of SFOU in order to be eligible for a grant.
Applications should be made via the application form and submitted to the address shown on the form, accompanied by all relevant supporting documentation, including a reference from the student’s college/tutor. Grant applications are reviewed by the SFOU Scholarship Committee which considers all requests on a monthly basis. Successful applicants will be notified immediately by the Scholarship Committee, whose decision is final.
For further information, please contact
* SFOU reserves the right to offer higher amounts in cases of demonstrated exceptional needs.